Younger Generations Need Education On Responsible Tech Use To Become Discerning Individuals

MELAKA, Younger generations need to be educated about their responsibilities and ethics in the use of technology to become informed and discerning individuals who are resilient against false information and misuse by irresponsible parties.

Deputy Minister of National Unity Senator K. Saraswathy highlighted the importance of doing so, given Malaysia’s diversity in races, religions, languages, and cultures. She stressed that this diversity is a key strength and has been vital to Malaysia’s resilience and success since independence.

“Strengthening community relations through various platforms is essential, especially as the nation moves rapidly towards digitalisation. This transformation is a significant opportunity that can become the foundation for national unity based on understanding, respect, and acceptance.

“However, we, especially the younger generation, must be cautious as the uncontrolled use of technology can lead to information misuse, loss of privacy, and threats to national security. Therefore,
it is crucial to manage the surge of technology wisely,” she said.

She was delivering a speech on behalf of National Unity Minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang during the launch of the Melaka 2024 state-level Malaysiaku Merdeka at the Melaka International Trade Centre, Ayer Keroh today.

She stated that upholding the spirit of independence in this era of digitalisation should involve simplifying processes that engage all government system operators and users.

“Therefore, the appreciation of the ideals and principles of the Rukun Negara must be continuously strengthened and ingrained in our hearts, as understanding the nation’s ideology helps to shape individuals with identity, dignity, and ethics,” she said.

She added that 80 programmes. including Malaysiaku Merdeka, have been implemented, to enhance the National Day and Malaysia Day celebrations from July to September this year.

“The Malaysiaku Merdeka programme aims to honour the value of independence, elevate patriotism, and deepen Malaysians’ understanding
and appreciation of our nation’s independence,” she said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

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