Vietnam attends dialogue with Secretary General of La Francophonie

New York: Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), has attended a dialogue with Louise Mushikiwab, Secretary General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF).

The dialogue, chaired by the Group of French-speaking Ambassadors, took place on March 9 at the UN headquarters in New York, the US. It drew the presence of more than 40 ambassadors and representatives of permanent missions of OIF member countries in New York.

Addressing the event, Ambassador Giang underlined that Vietnam highly appreciates the efforts of the OIF and Secretary-General Mushikiwabo to promote multilateralism and multilingualism at the UN.

He underlined Vietnam’s support to French-speaking countries sharing and coordinating each other to make contributions to preparation for the future summit, the global digital agreement as well as other discussions at the UN.

He affirmed said Vietnam will actively contribute to the upcoming 19th Francophonie Summit.

At the ev
ent, Secretary-General Mushikiwabo talked about the complicated situation in many regions, challenges that the international community is currently facing such as conflict, political and economic instability, competition between major countries, climate change, differences in development levels, digital transformation and digital disruption which are the priorities and focus of the OIF’s actions from now to 2030.

She called on OIF member countries to continue working together to promote a multilateral system based on the central role of the UN, adding that it is necessary to ensure multilingualism in all activities and discussions at the UN for the system to operate effectively and substantially.

Mushikiwabo briefed participants about preparation for the 19th Francophone Summit to be held in France in October which focusing on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

  • malaysiang

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