MAIWP Urged To Prioritise Integrity In Supporting Malaysia Madani Agenda

KUALA LUMPUR, The Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) must prioritise integrity management to enhance societal values and support the Malaysia MADANI development agenda, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar.

He called for an end to the ‘old stigma’ surrounding inefficient management and stressed that the agency responsible for Islamic affairs should not be perceived as lagging behind the mainstream.

He also highlighted the importance of MAIWP focusing on economic empowerment programmes for the community, addressing welfare, protection, economy, healthcare, education and development for the underprivileged and the poor.

‘As public servants, we must adhere to financial procedures and guidelines in our duties. Integrity should be the foundation for all our actions,’ he said when officiating at the Understanding Malaysia MADANI Seminar for 2024, which was attended by about 300 participants, including MAIWP staff and its subsidiaries
, at a hotel here today.

Also present were Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) chief executive officer (CEO) Zamri Zainal Abidin and Duat Al-Falah chairman Ustaz Ahmad Faiz Mohd Khalil, who were among the speakers at the one-day seminar.

Mohd Na’im said to support the Malaysia MADANI development agenda inspired by the Prime Minister, the ministry has launched the Religious Affairs Transformation Plan Towards Malaysia MADANI 2023-2027, known as the Al-Falah Transformation Plan (PTF). This initiative aims to enhance the Islamic administration system to better serve community needs.

The Minister added that MAIWP must commit to implementing all Cabinet decisions regarding the welfare of the people and the underprivileged.

“We don’t want MAIWP officials making decisions from above without understanding the real needs of the poor on the ground. Decisions must reflect the actual situations and needs of the community,” he said.

During the seminar, Mohd Na’im urged MAIWP staff to understand and practice the
MADANI concept to promote and uphold positive values.

He expressed hope that the seminar would continue to educate MAIWP staff about the true meaning of Malaysia MADANI, allowing them to embrace it fully in their roles as public servants in the Islamic affairs agency.

‘Public servants should serve as role models for the community, as they are the primary implementers of government policies,’ he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

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