Govt Mulls Developing Social Media Platform For M’sians – Fahmi

The government is considering the proposal to develop a social media application specifically for Malaysians, said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil.

He said this is because some social media application providers are profiting off Malaysians but fail to ensure user safety.

‘Last year, it was estimated that Facebook alone earned US$600 million from Malaysia, but what have they done to ensure that the condition and use of their platform in Malaysia are safe?

‘They lack commitment, so we need to study and assess the situation. It is not easy to develop our own social media platform, but some countries have attempted it. We will look into it,’ he told reporters at the ‘Himpunan Pembebasan Palestin’ rally here tonight.

Fahmi said he has also met with celebrity host Datuk Aznil Nawawi, who came up with the proposal following Meta Platforms Inc.’s (Meta) recent action of removing social media postings related to Palestine.

During the meeting, he shared his views regarding social media usage that should be
communicated to Aznil’s followers.

‘I reminded him that children under 13 should not use social media, and he agreed to convey this message to his fans,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Fahmi said he will meet with Meta tomorrow in Putrajaya to discuss its removal of Palestine-related content from the Prime Minister’s social media accounts.

He said the ministry will ensure that Meta does not remove any content related to tonight’s rally.

‘They have agreed to do so. I have provided a list of not only the Prime Minister’s Facebook account but also the official accounts of several media outlets. We will see whether they will follow through, but I believe they will keep their promise,’ he said, adding that the ministry will insist that they fulfill their pledge.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

  • malaysiang

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