WHO Declares End to Second Ebola Outbreak in Guinea

The World Health Organization officially announced Saturday the end of Guinea’s second Ebola outbreak, which was declared in February and claimed 12 lives.At 16 confirmed cases and seven probable infections, according to WHO figures, the limited size o…

Uganda Imposes 42-Day COVID-19 Lockdown

KAMPALA, UGANDA – Uganda has reimposed a 42-day lockdown as coronavirus infections surge in the East African country. President Yoweri Museveni said in his Friday night address that he was tired of receiving calls about deaths, but critics say he prese…

Plantation Ministry to launch immunisation drive in oil palm sector

— The Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities will launch a pilot project under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) which will focus on the oil palm plantation sector to begin with, said Minister Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman…

Senior citizen cycles around village selling frozen pastry products to survive MCO

— A senior citizen doggedly rides his bicycle almost every day to sell various types of frozen pastry products to earn an income in order to support himself and his wife during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period.Starting out as early as 9 am, Hus…

Sarawak reviewing latest entry procedures from abroad – JBPN

The Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee (JPBN) and the Sarawak Health Department (JKNS) are reviewing the latest procedures for entry into the state from abroad for those who have already undergone mandatory quarantine during transit in Peninsu…

MCO 3.0 shows positive signs – Azmin Ali

The government’s efforts in implementing Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 or total lockdown has shown positive signs and reduced the infectivity rate or COVID-19 R-naught (Rt) in the country.Senior Minister, who is also International Trade and Industry…

Cooking oil in polybags have quality, not recycled – MPOB

The quality of olein cooking oil in one kg polybags sold in the local market meets the prescribed quality and not recycled, said Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) director-general Dr Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir.He said the price of cooking oil in polybags…