Air Traffic Controllers – The Silent Guardians Of Air Safety

KUALA LUMPUR, Tucked away behind the scenes and high above the ground, the role played by a group of unsung heroes is just as crucial as that of pilots, if not more stressful.

Though they are often not heard about frequently and oblivious to the mil…

MPOB Achieves 70 Pct Mapping Of Oil Palm Smallholders In Nationwide Plantation Coverage Project

KUALA LUMPUR, The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has successfully mapped around 70 per cent of independent smallholders as part of its project to chart oil palm plantation coverage across the country.

MPOB director general Datuk Ahmad Parveez Ghula…

Passion In Technology Tranforms Engineer Into Tech-Savvy Farmer

KUALA LUMPUR, Switching vocations from engineering to farming was not an easy decision, however, this was the choice made by Abdul Mu’iz Hanafiah, 30, about two years ago.

‘I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Universiti Putra Malaysi…

MPOB Ramps Up RandD On Oil Palm Seedlings To Boost Oil Palm Production

KUALA LUMPUR, The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) is intensifying its research and development (RandD) efforts to produce superior oil palm variants which could boost the nation’s oil palm productivity and output without expanding the plantation area…

Company Secretaries Should Act Without Fear Or Favour — MAICSA President

KUALA LUMPUR, The role of company secretaries in Malaysia has transformed dramatically over the years.

Company secretaries now serve as corporate advisors responsible for guiding boards of directors on legal, regulatory, and governance matters.

In …

QNET Makes Improvements To Health Products Using Latest Technology

GEORGE TOWN, QNET, a global direct sales network that focuses on lifestyle and wellness, has made several improvements to its health products using the latest technology.

Its products include EDG3 Plus, Amezcua Bio Disc 3, Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 and …

Increased Funding, Industry And TVET Institutions Collaboration Needed To Empower Youth

LYON, An increase in allocation for the 2025 Budget, along with close collaboration between industry players and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, is necessary to produce more highly skilled youth in the country.
