Vietnam values friendship, solidarity with Cambodia, Laos: NA Chairman

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue attended and delivered a speech at the plenary session of the first Cambodia – Laos – Vietnam (CLV) Parliamentary Summit which opened in Vientiane on December 5.

Describing the solidarity, friendship and political trust among the three countries as an invaluable asset that holds long-term strategic meaning in the national construction, protection and development of the countries, Hue stressed that Vietnam has treasured and taken developing ties with the neighbouring countries as a strategic mission and a top priority in its foreign policy.

The Vietnamese top legislator affirmed that the establishment of the summit is a milestone in the cooperation history of the three parliaments, which helps elevate the collaboration to the highest level, and is a bold step to concretise the outcomes of the high-level meeting among Party leaders of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam in September 2021.

Hue put forth several measures to bolster cooperation among the three legislative bodi

Regarding politics-foreign affairs, he suggested they join hands to preserve, nurture, and enhance the strategic values of the Cambodia – Laos – Vietnam traditional friendship and special solidarity.

They should complete institutions and issue legal policies to support the governments in developing the socio-economy and ensuring security – defence, while working closely and support each other at regional and international forums, especially the parliamentary cooperation mechanisms such as IPU, APPF and AIPA, contributing to building the ASEAN Community and promoting Mekong sub-regional collaboration.

In terms of trade, economy and investment, he suggested they continue supervising the implementation of the signed cooperation documents, as well as negotiating the signing of new ones to fully form legal corridors that facilitate collaboration to create breakthroughs in economic cooperation and promote connectivity among the three economies.

Touching on culture-society, Hue highlighted the three parliame
nts should join hands to examine the conditions to develop tourism, promote the ‘three countries – one destination’ model, and strengthen cooperation across health care, education-training and cultural exchange.

He said the moves will help educate the young generations on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam friendship, stressing the parliaments should ask the governments to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Lao peoples to study and work in each nation.

Regarding environment and climate change issues, he highlighted that they should step up coordination and discussions on the relevant laws, and cooperation with competent international partners to promote the effective and sustainable use of natural resources, particularly the Mekong river, for common benefits of the three countries.

Additionally, they should encourage governments and relevant authoritiess to enhance the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and climate change response measures.

On defence-security, Hue sa
id that the three parliaments should continue support for each other to maintain stability and order in each country, and to prevent any forces from using one country’s territory against other countries.

He also suggested that they create favourable conditions for the completion of land border demarcation and marker planting between countries.

At the event, the three top legislators said that the establishment of the summit contributes to deepening the friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

They affirmed their commitment to deepening the cooperation ties and parliamentary partnership to maintain close collaboration for the benefits of the three parliaments, thus nurturing the friendship and solidarity and enhancing comprehensive cooperation across various fields.

They also laid a stress on the supervisory role of the parliaments in responding to global challenges, handling shortcomings, and promoting the implementation of agreements and projects for the ben
efits of the CLV Development Triangle Area and the three countries in particular.

At the event, representatives from international, regional and national organisations spoke highly of the cooperation among the three legislative bodies, as well as that of localities in the CLV Development Triangle Area. They pledged support for the countries in their sustainable development journey, contributing to maintaining peace, stability and cooperation in the region.

Before attending the plenary session, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and his Lao and Cambodian counterparts Saysomphone Phomvihane and Khuon Sudary paid a courtesy visit to General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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