Vietnam, Denmark agree to soon implement green strategic partnership

Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen held talks in Copenhagen on November 21, during which they agreed on the need to soon carry out the joint statement on establishing the green strategic partnership.

Vice President Xuan, who is paying an official visit to Denmark at the invitation of PM Frederiksen, affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to and wants to enhance the friendship, cooperation, and comprehensive partnership with the European country.

She expressed her belief that the trip will help strengthen the comprehensive partnership and implement the freshly-established green strategic partnership for the sake of the two nations’ people.

Welcoming the Vietnamese delegation, PM Frederiksen stated the Danish Government treasures the friendship, cooperation, and comprehensive partnership with Vietnam – an important partner of Denmark in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in terms of trade and investment, and that it hopes to further reinforce
the bilateral relations in economy, environment – climate – energy, and green development.

The host leader said she believed the recently-established green strategic partnership will provide new impetus for the bilateral comprehensive partnership, particularly in the fields of sustainable development and green transition.

To foster the bilateral ties in the time ahead, both sides agreed to continue increasing high-level delegation exchanges, and coordinate with and support each other at multilateral forums.

Vice President Xuan thanked the Danish Government for advocating Vietnam’s hosting of the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) summit in 2025.

With regard to trade and investment, the two leaders agreed that their countries’ governments, ministries, and sectors need to encourage Vietnamese and Danish enterprises to implement investment projects in the fields matching Denmark’s strengths and Vietnam’s development orientations in the time ahead such as renewable energy, marine econ
omy, food processing, and green growth.

Vice President Xuan called on the Danish Government to raise voice to prompt the parliaments of the remaining EU countries to ratify the EU – Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), support the European Commission (EC)’s removal of its ‘yellow card’ warning on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing against Vietnam’s seafood exports, and help the Southeast Asian country develop aquaculture towards sustainability.

PM Frederiksen affirmed that she has always paid attention to this issue and supports the EC and Vietnam’s discussions on the removal of the ‘yellow card’.

At the talks, the two leaders emphasised the need to expand green growth-oriented economic relations and bolster cooperation in green transition and climate change response, thus helping with the two governments’ efforts to realise the commitments to net zero emissions, made at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Danish
PM stated that Denmark is ready to work with Vietnam in the new areas of green transition and just energy transition, especially renewable energy that the European country has rich experience in and financial capacity for.

Appreciating Denmark’s important assistance to Vietnam to reach socio-economic development targets and the Sustainable Development Goals, Vice President Xuan stressed that the two sides should keep cooperation to effectively implement projects on energy, sustainable development, and vocational training, including the Vietnam – Denmark Energy Partnership Programme for 2020 – 2025.

PM Frederiksen spoke highly of the Vietnamese community’s integration into the local economy and society as well as their substantial contributions to the bilateral relations. She agreed with her guest’s proposal on continuing to give favourable conditions for Vietnamese people in Denmark to act as a friendship bridge between the two countries.

Talking about regional and international issues of shared concern, V
ice President Xuan highly valued Denmark’s role and voice in the international arena.

PM Frederiksen noted she was particularly impressed with Vietnam’s strong commitments and role at multilateral forums, and that Denmark hoped to join hands with Vietnam to realise the Sustainable Development Goals.

Both host and guest reaffirmed the importance of peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the world as well as peace, stability, safety, security and freedom of navigation in the East Sea. They voiced their support for international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Vice President Xuan said she hoped PM Frederiksen will pay a visit to Vietnam soon at the invitation of PM Pham Minh Chinh. The Danish PM agreed with pleasure./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

  • malaysiang

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