Vietnam announces two foreign-based terrorist organisations

Hanoi: The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security has announced two terrorist organisations based in the US and Thailand, accusing them of using violence to achieve secession in the Central Highlands.

The first group, named Montagnard Support Group, Inc. (MSGI), was established in 2011 by Y Mut Mlo and Y Duen Bdap. It employs violent methods, including recruiting members in Vietnam, training them for violent activities, and inciting protests and armed rebels. It provides them with financial support, weapons, and equipment to carry out terrorist attacks, assassinations of officials and civilians, and destruction of State and civilian property to demand secession, autonomy, and the establishment of a “Degar State” in the Central Highlands.

It is headquartered at P.O.BOX 668843, Charlotte, NC 28266, the US, and has communication channels “” and “Montagnard Support Group”.

The group is led by Y Mut Mlo, 64, in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak as Chairman; Y Duen
Bdap Vice Chairman, Y Bion Mlo in charge of external relations and other key members, including Y Chik Nie, 56, in Dak Lak; Y Chanh Bya, 40, in Dak Nong; Y Be Eban, 42, in Dak Nong; Y Nien Eya, 47, in Dak Nong; and Y Sol Nie, 45, in Dak Lak.

The second group, the Montagnard Stand for Justice (MSFJ), was founded in Thailand in July 2019 and has been active in the US since April 2023. It engages in propaganda, recruitment, training, and financing of terrorist activities, ultimately aiming to establish a “separate state” in the Central Highlands.

It is led by Y Quynh Bdap, Y Phik Hdok, Y Pher Hdrue, Y Aron Êban, H’ Sarina Krong, H’ Tlun Bdap, Y Ruing Knul, and H Mla Hdru?, maintaining online presence through websites and social media channels such as “”, “Montagnard Stand for Justice”, “Montagnards for Justice”, “Klei Kpa Ênô Ko Anak C? Chiang”, “BHRM Montagnards”, and “MSFJ TV”.

According to the ministry, anyone who join the organisations, propagate and incite others to join them, finance and r
eceive funding, attend training courses offered by the groups, and act under the direction of MSGI and MSFJ are committing the crime of “terrorism” or “financing terrorism” and will be punished according to the law./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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