Quang Ninh likely to log 1 billion USD of FDI in Q1

Quang Ninh: Meeting its target of attracting 1 billion USD worth of foreign direct investment (FDI) within the first quarter appears feasible for the northern coastal province of Quang Ninh, which saw total FDI topping 3.1 billion USD last year.

Foreign investors have so far this year channeled close to 478 million USD into eight projects in various industrial parks within the province. Most recently, the Quang Ninh Economic Zone Authority on February 21 granted investment certificates to two foreign-funded projects in the Texhong Hai Ha Industrial Park in Hai Ha district and the Song Khoai IP in Quang Yen township, with their values amounting to more than 330 million USD.

According to plans, seven investors from the US, China, and Taiwan (China) will bring more capital to Quang Ninh in the remaining period of the first quarter.

To date, the province has logged nearly 14 billion USD worth of investment by some 200 foreign enterprises from 20 countries and territories. These firms mainly work on high-tech p
rojects with environmentally friendly practices, modern management, high added value, and participation in global value chains./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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