PH, Vietnam eye stronger information, intel exchange vs. terrorism

MANILA: The Philippines is looking to strengthen information and intelligence exchange with Vietnam to foil terrorism and transnational crimes.

National Security Adviser (NSA) Eduardo Año raised this matter in his meeting with Vietnam’s Minister of Public Security (MPS) To Lam on the sidelines of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s state visit to Hanoi on Jan. 29, the National Security Council (NSC) said in a news release on Thursday.

“On terrorism and transnational crimes, NSA Año proposed information and intelligence exchange as one of the areas where cooperation on counter terrorism can be pursued, given that the threat of international and local terrorist groups remains a significant challenge to global security,” the NSC said.

The bilateral meeting was the first such meeting of the NSC and the MPS since 2016.

As an initial activity, Año raised the possibility of holding exchanges of views on each countries’ anti-terror laws and cooperating on simulation exercises to determine the best practices in th
e application of legal measures vis-a-vis extra-territoriality and border issues.

“On combating transnational crimes – such as people smuggling, human trafficking, robbery at sea, hijacking and kidnap for ransom, wildlife trafficking, firearms trafficking and smuggling of illicit goods – NSA Año said that the Philippines and Vietnam may pursue cooperation to strengthen border controls and security measures, including port security in strategic locations,” the NSC said.

Año called for exchanging views and collaboration on cybersecurity, especially with regard to capacity building and protecting digital infrastructure, platforms, data and network.

Año also expressed his interest to learn about Vietnam’s efforts to create a safe and regulated cyberspace, and how the country is reinforcing the protection of its national sovereignty in various areas of cyberspace, including digital infrastructure, platforms, data, national cyber infrastructure, and information systems used by party and state agencies.

“The NSA
also invited Minister Lam to visit the Philippines in the future,” the NSC said.

Meanwhile, Lam considered the meeting as ‘a milestone for a strong transformation of security cooperation between the two countries”.

Lam said his country always attached great importance and priority to enhance Philippines-Vietnam relations.

Año also urged Lam to look into the possibility of working together with the Philippines on strengthening coordination in the implementation of initiatives at the level of the ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting,

This includes the ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure, Guidelines for Maritime Interaction, and the Guidelines for Air Military Encounters, which has annexes including ‘Observing Existing Aviation Conventions and Rules,’ ‘Safe and Professional Communications,’ ‘Standard Flight Procedures,’ and ‘Encouraging Mutual Trust and Confidence in the Air.’

He also expressed hope for the early conclusion of the proposed Philippines-Vietnam memorandum of understanding for the provisio
n of mutual logistic support as a way for both countries to mutually advance their respective defense and security capabilities.

“On the South China Sea (SCS)/West Philippine Sea (WPS) issue, NSA Año shared with Minister Lam his optimism relative to the Philippines-Vietnam Memorandum of Understanding on Maritime Security, emphasizing that the agreement will enable both the Philippines and Vietnam to better manage conflicts in the SCS/WPS and conduct activities in accordance with the principles of international law, the national laws of each party, and international conventions to which both Vietnam and the Philippines are parties,” the NSC said.

He also encouraged Vietnam to participate actively in the ASEAN Coast Guards Forum which the Philippines will be hosting this year.

Vietnam, for its part, raised the possibility of making use of intelligence cooperation as a platform to share information and conduct mutual consultations over sensitive issues that are hard to convey through official channels.

ce: Philippines News Agency

  • malaysiang

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