Party official holds online talks with Cuban counterpart

Hanoi: Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung held an online meeting with Head of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba Emilio Lozada Garcia on February 29.

At the talks, they briefed each other on the outstanding achievements of the Parties in the two countries, as well as the cooperative relationship, the direction of the masterplan, and the relationship between the two Parties.

They spoke highly about the coordination between the two Parties in common political tasks, contributing to strengthening the special friendship and implementing the cooperation agreements. They also touched upon the success of important bilateral foreign relations activities in 2023, especially works to mark the 50th anniversary of the late leader Fidel Castro’s first visit to the liberated zone in Southern Vietnam (September 1973 – 2023).

The two sides agreed to further promote their roles in advising and urging th
e implementation of high-level agreements between leaders of the two Parties and the two States. They agreed to continue coordinating to promote the removal of obstacles to further strengthen cooperation in trade, production, and investment between the two countries, and create conditions for enterprises of the two countries to operate more and more effectively, especially in the field of agriculture.

Trung also expressed his sympathy with the difficulties that the Cuban people have faced and said he believes that Cuba will overcome the current difficulties and challenges. He also emphasised that the Party, State and people of Vietnam always support the just revolutionary cause of the fraternal Cuban Party, State and People./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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