Freak storm damages houses, shops in Marang

MARANG, Oct 31 (Bernama) — A freak storm wreaked havoc in Bukit Payong here today, badly damaging homes and shops.


A total of 25 properties were damaged by the storm which struck at 2.30 pm.


A resident, Jamsari Mohamed, 43, said he and his 69-year-old mother, Minat Mat Ali were resting in the living room after Zuhur prayers when it hit.




Jamsari said the incident resulted in 90 per cent of the roof of the house and the workshop adjacent being damaged after they were blown away by the strong winds in the blink of an eye.


“At first the rain was normal, I did not think it was a bad storm until there was a loud bang on the roof.


“When I looked out, I was surprised to see the roofs flying off one by one. It also started raining heavily and water started to enter the house,” he said when met the house in Kampung Undang, Bukit Payong today.




Jamsari said he rushed to save his mother and immediately evacuated the house for fear of the roof collapsing or being electrocuted.


“At that time, I was only thinking about the safety of my elderly mother. I was not thinking about other things at all. I did not care if there was damage because my mother’s life is more important,” Jamsari said.


A grocery shop owner, Rosmawati Mohd Saffi, 46, said she was not at the shop during the storm because she was teaching Quran and Fardhu Ain Classes (KAFA) at Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Undang.


She learned about the incident after her 18-year-old daughter, Nor Anis Nazihan Adnan contacted her while sobbing in fear.


“After I received the call, I rushed to the shop as I was worried because I heard her (Nor Anis Nazihah) sobbing. I did not understand what she was saying at first.


“When I stepped out, there was a heavy storm but I braved myself because I was concerned for the safety of my daughter, who was alone in the shop,” she said.


Rosmawati said when she arrived at the shop, it was still raining heavily and some villagers were taking shelter in her shop.


“I have been doing business here for almost 20 years, this is the first time such a bad storm has hit. Although there was a lot of damage, especially the roof which was blown off by the wind, I am thankful that the children and villagers are safe,” she said.


Rosmawati hopes that the relevant agencies will be able to provide immediate assistance to the victims.


Meanwhile, Bukit Payong constituency Community Service Centre Welfare Division Officer Kamanordin Md Jusoh said immediate assistance was being provided to the affected victims.



Source: BERNAMA News Agency


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