Argentinian businesses hail investment environment in Vietnam

Buenos Aires: Argentina’s newspaper La Nacion has run an article highlighting the business climate in Vietnam and encouraging the country’s firms to explore the Southeast Asian market.

The article underlined that Vietnam is the 10th largest economy in Asia with its GDP reaching 410 billion USD, a forecast growth of 6.5% and inflation of 3.4% in 2024.

In the first 11 months of 2023, Argentina exported nearly 2 billion USD worth of goods to Vietnam, and enjoyed a trade surplus of 640 million USD, it noted.

However, it pointed out that there are only a few Argentinian investors in Vietnam,.

It quoted Argentinian entrepreneurs Guillermo Cena and Santiago Campanera, who are running their business in Vietnam, as speaking highly of Vietnam – a land of opportunities for Argentinian exporters and investors.

Cena advised investors to make long-term plans and stay open to be ready to accept differences in culture, and asserted that the 100-million-strong market of Vietnam is a promising land for Argentinian product
s and services, with a high demand for high-quality food products.

Meanwhile, Campanera stressed that Vietnam is an open market economy, and called on Argentinian firms to explore opportunities in this stable and expanding economy. The Vietnamese Government always creates chances for production development and global integration, he stated.

Cena said that he plans to diversify agricultural products imported from Argentina in Vietnam, while Campanera advised Argentinian enterprises to launch businesses in Vietnam to better explore the demand of the local market./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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