Kelantan People Must Remain Vigilant, Prepare For Monsoon Season – Sultan Muhammad V

KOTA BHARU, The Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V, has called on the people of the state to remain vigilant and prepare for the upcoming monsoon season.

His Royal Highness said that with the unpredictable weather, the risk of flooding in certain…

GISBH: Remand Period Of Several Individuals Extended

KUALA LUMPUR, The remand order for a number of individuals linked to GISB Holdings (GISBH) and detained during Op Global that was carried out to combat child exploitation activities and alleged doctrines of religious fanaticism has been extended to a…

Budget 2025: Mohd Na’im Requests Additional Allocation For KAFA Teachers

BALIK PULAU, The Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) has made a request to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) for an additional allocation to be considered in Budget 2025, which will be tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Oct …

Federal Govt To Give Priority To Road Building In Kapit – Anwar

KAPIT, The federal government agreed to give priority to the construction of several road projects in Kapit Division.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said among the priorities is the road construction project connecting Nanga Semaram in Kano…

Local Cardiologist Victimised, Image Misused In Online Article Promoting Medical Product

KUALA LUMPUR, A local cardiologist with 30 years of experience in the medical field, Prof Dr Chin Sze Piaw, was recently caught in a crossfire, when he came across an online article about him endorsing a herbal medical product that is believed to tre…

Kelantan PAS Denies Link With GISBH, Al-Arqam

KOTA BHARU, No Kelantan PAS member is involved with GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) or Al-Arqam, said Kelantan PAS Deputy Commissioner Datuk Dr Mohamed Fadzli Hassan.

Mohamed Fadzli, the Deputy Menteri Besar of Kelantan, said PAS and Al-Arqam are two …

Op Global: Chronology Of GISBH Case As Of Sept 29

KUALA LUMPUR, The Op Global which was carried out to combat child exploitation activities and alleged doctrines of religious fanaticism linked to GlSB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) is now entering phase four.

Since the first phase Global Op started on at…