Quantexa Recognized as a ‘Luminary’ in Celent’s 2024 Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions Report

LONDON, Quantexa, the global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced that its Fraud Detection solution has been awarded ‘Luminary’ status in Celent’s 2024 Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions:…

Pahang Govt Highly Committed To Upholding, Elevating Islamic Syiar – MB

KUANTAN, The Pahang government has always given a high level of commitment to upholding the syiar of Islam in the state, hence rejecting claims that they have not made any development towards the agenda.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail…

Palestinians Receive Quality Treatment At Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital

KUALA LUMPUR, Palestinian patients are receiving excellent medical treatment that meets the standards set by the Ministry of Health at Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital (HAT).

Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) Health Services Division director-general Lt Ge…

MCMC Seeks Balance To Regulate Social Media Challenges

KUALA LUMPUR, Developing regulatory solutions to combat fake news is challenging because such regulation must effectively address the adverse effects of misinformation while also respecting freedom of expression.

Malaysian Communications and Multime…

Cabinet Approves Rebranding Of PPR To PRR — Nga

JOHOR BAHRU, The Cabinet has approved the rebranding of the People’s Housing Programme (PPR) to the People’s Residency Programme (PRR).

Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming said the programme is expected to start in Johor next year wit…

Cuepacs: Establishment Of Statutory Bodies With Overlaping Roles Should Be Regulated

KULIM, The establishment of statutory bodies with overlapping functions needs to be controlled immediately, not to mention if they are created for the sake of creating positions for political appointees.

The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Pu…

Malaysia, Russia Want Israel To Stop Violent Attacks On Gaza Immediately – PM Anwar

VLADIVOSTOK (Russia), Malaysia and Russia agreed to demand that Israel stop the violent and cruel attacks on Gaza immediately.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said this at his exit press conference on the last day of his working visit to Rus…